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Monday, April 11, 2011


Economic Cycle In Indonesia

Our economic system gives everyone the opportunity to produce and distribute the products or services, and their products are changed in the markets with special mechanism. Markets make the prices and determine the volume that can be bought by the consumers. So the price is the way to take a decision. In other words we can say, our economic system isn’t the communism system/command system that can be arranged by central planning and authoritative.
In that economic system, we always get cycle economic boom with the indicators, like working opportunity, investment, saving, modal capital interest, and government income.
The economic will never always get an increase. It will be signed by fluctuation with the high economic activities and the upper turning point. And cause the crisis with the low economic activities or baisse till growth level and the others economic macro get the lowest point. And the lower turning point will be happened, and followed by economic boom or hausse.
In order our economic won’t get the crisis, our government take the policy that famous with Tight Money Policy, but it has some risks as like companies bankrupt, PHK, the decrease of investment, etc. 

(Kwik Kian Gie)


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